Forestdale Primary School

Collection of Children 

 It is very important that we are aware of any adults who may be picking up your child at the end of the school day.


It would be very helpful if any adult who may be picking up your child at some point during the school term is introduced to the class teacher. It is also necessary to write a note in your child’s home contact book on that particular day.

 To do:

  • Please complete sections 4a and 4b of the RECEPTION AUTHORISATION FORM* to show you have read and understood the information on this page. In section 4b, clearly state the full name of any adults who may be picking up, including their relationship to your child. Please also include your own names. If someone comes to pick up your child whose name is not listed below, or if it has not been written in their home contact book, we will not be able to let your child leave the school with them.  We are able to add to the list during the school year.