Behaviour Expectations and Rewards
Behaviour Expectations
There is an expectation that everyone at Forestdale behaves in a respectful and appropriate manner. Children are encouraged to: take pride in their learning; try hard to make the right choices; to always do their best; to respect each other; to value differing views and opinions; and to take care of their possessions, themselves and our learning environment.
We have three simple rules within our school which reflect our aims and, as such, the emphasis is upon instilling in pupils a sense of self-discipline. Pupils are expected to:
- Be kind
- Be safe
- Be responsible
Behaviour Policy
We have many reward systems in place at Forestdale Primary to motivate and praise our children. Our children are not only rewarded for their own personal academic achievement but also for demonstrating ethical and moral behaviour and attitudes.
House Points
- Children have been assigned to a house (green rabbits, orange foxes, blue badgers, red squirrels and yellow hedgehogs).
- House Points are individual rewards for exceptional behaviour or attitudes demonstrated outside the classroom and for academic achievement in the classroom.
- Children are rewarded with a coloured token.
- At the end of the year the house with the most tokens will win a reward.
- The houses also compete against one another on Sports Day.
- Children can wear their house colour t-shirt for P.E. all through the year.
Values Jumpers
- Each fortnight, two children are awarded with a prestigious yellow Forestdale STARS Sweatshirt for demonstrating outstanding Forestdale STARS values.
- The winners are announced in assembly and they receive a certificate and jumper to wear for two weeks. Writing Trophy
Writing Trophy
- On a Friday, one child from each class is nominated by their teacher to receive a writing certificate.
- They can be nominated for achieving targets or improving their writing.
Times Tables Rock Stars
- On a Monday, children who have either accumulated the most coins, or is most improved, or the fastest speed, will be awarded a certificate.
Reading Plus
- On a Monday the class with the most words read will be awarded with a certificate.
- Individuals with the most read words are also awarded with a certificate.
- Children can be issued with ‘verbal’ mention.
- These are rewards for classes as a whole, based on exceptional behaviour and attitudes..
- On a Friday, the class with the most mentions is awarded extra playtime at the end of the week.
Attendance Ted
- On a Monday, the class with the highest attendance from the previous week is announced.
- The winning class is visited by Attendance Ted for the week.
- Each term, children with 100% attendance will be awarded a certificate.
- At the end of the year, if individual children have 100% attendance, they will receive a prize.
- Children receive individual stampers for excellent work and for reading at least three times a week.
- Certificates are awarded for 20,40 and 60 stampers in celebration assemblies.
Gold Book
- On a Friday, one child from each class is nominated by their teacher to be in the Gold Book.
- They can be nominated for exhibiting the school values, for producing exceptional work or demonstrating fantastic behaviour.
- The nominated child receives a certificate to take home and their name is displayed on the wall in the hall for all to see.