Forestdale Primary School

Remote Learning via Google Classroom (Yr1-6)

Remote learning will be provided to all children in year 1 to 6 via Google Classroom from a teacher in their year group bubble. 

Quick Guide to Using Google Classroom 

Children in Reception will receive all their learning through Tapestry. Please look out for the videos and activities from your teachers.

Click here for Google Classroom Behaviour Expectations

Logging on

Children should aim to log on to Google Classroom at 8.45 each morning to register and find out about their learning for the day. A year group remote learning classroom has been set up for each year group.

  • Your child should log in to Google classroom as normal and will need to accept the invite to the new Year Group Remote Learning Classroom.
  • Your child’s username and password can be found in the front of their contact book.
  • Please join with your microphone off (please help your child practise how to turn it on and off).
  • We ask that children are suitably dressed (not in their night clothes) and that they work in an open space where there is no background noise to distract them.
  • They will need a pencil and their home learning book. We recognise that it will be difficult for those families where there is more than one child.
  • We would suggest that your child logs into at least one lesson during the school day so that they can be registered.


You will find a weekly timetable on this website and will be provided with a more detailed daily timetable each evening ready for the next day in the Google Classroom. 

Teachers will post the PowerPoints of the lessons/links to lessons that will take place daily in your child’s Google Classroom so that if you are unable to join at that time you can complete the work in your own time.

All children have previously been provided with a Home Learning Book. Your teacher may ask you to complete some work in this book and some work will be created and submitted online using Google click here to see how to submit work and upload work online.


Please also read the online safety guide and share it with your children.

Daily Expectations 

Children should also continue with the following daily expectations:

  • Daily reading and record in contact book
  • Practise times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS)
  • Practise spellings
  • Practise handwriting
  • Practise phonics

How to Login  

1. Click on Google Classroom   or type in in to a search engine.


2. Google Sign In with your:

ImportantYou must remember to sign out every time


3. Click on your user icon in the top left hand corner.

Google Classroom Apps 

Google Classroom


Google Docs


Google Sheets


Google Slides



Help and Support

All the children from Y1-Y6 have had a number of opportunities to log into Google Classroom in school but should you need help and support in logging in please contact us at 

student guide to google classroom.pdf