Forestdale Primary School

Parent View  

Ofsted Parent View 

Ofsted Parent View gives parents the chance to tell Ofsted what they think of their child’s school. Click on the link below to give your views. 

Ofsted Parent View  

Forestdale Parent Questionnaires 


The parent questionnaire took place during the Autumn term 2024.  We received 139 completed questionnaires.  Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete them.


The purpose of the questionnaire is to provide parents/carers with an opportunity to provide us with feedback on a variety of matters so we can evaluate and improve the services we offer to you and your child. 


The results have been compiled and we are pleased to present them to you. The outcomes will be discussed with governors, staff, pupils and other stakeholders in order to find ways we can make our school an even better place to be.



Further comments from our parents:


Keep up the great work. Thank you!


Our children are very happy here and doing well


I am happy with the way the school looks after and takes an interest in my child


We were disappointed that the school did not receive an ‘outstanding’ Ofsted report as we feel it deserved to be


I am pleased with my child’s progress and performance. The head teacher and the staff are doing well to keep children safe.


 Children are happy!