Forestdale Primary School

Admissions and Transfers  


Forestdale Primary School is a two form entry mixed primary school and admits children between the ages of 4-11.

Children are admitted to Forestdale in the autumn term of the school year in which they are five. Places are allocated according to Croydon’s published criteria. Each year a maximum of 60 children are admitted to our two Reception classes. As a local authority maintained school, all admissions are managed by the Croydon School Admissions Team. Telephone 0208 726 6400 Email

For information please see:



Children join Reception at the beginning of the academic year (1st September – 31st August) in which they will be five.  Parents of children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 are applying to start primary school in September 2025.


All applications must be made to the local authority on a Croydon Local Authority’s online at eadmissions website. The closing date for primary school applications is 15 January 2025. If your application is made after the closing date of 15 January 2025, it will be treated as late and will not be considered until after 19 April 2025 unless it is late for ‘good reason’. You must accept or decline your offer by 2 May 2025. 

September Admissions

If you applied online and on time, you will receive an email or text alert telling you when you can log in to find out the result of your application, during the evening of 19 April. You can also view the outcome of your application by downloading the 'ParentComms' App.  Please ensure that you accept online. We look forward to meeting parents of the new Reception children at a meeting in June where your child's entry into school will be discussed.

Starting school 

Starting school is an exciting opportunity, for you and your child. At Forestdale it is important to us that we work in partnership with you, from the beginning, to ensure that we all feel ready and comfortable when September arrives. We aim for children to become confident and happy learners as quickly as possible when they start at Forestdale Primary School, so we have put together the following information and guidance to support families during this transition period.

We hope to answer all your questions, but do please contact us via the school office, telephone or email, if there is anything else we can help you with.

Visiting the school

There will be an opportunity for your child to visit us, so that they meet their teacher, and start to become familiar with the classroom and surroundings.

In Year Admissions

Occasionally spaces are available in year groups other than Reception. If you would like to apply for ‘in year admissions’ via the Croydon council website. Click Here.


Children transfer to secondary school at the end of Year 6 when they are 11. Applications to secondary school are managed by Croydon Council. 


Is your child currently in Year 6?  If so you MUST apply for a secondary school place for them. 

Apply now:

  1. Visit Croydon School Admissions to find out about the schools available and be guided through the steps in the application process and the online application form.
  2. If you are familiar with the process and already have an eAdmissions account you can apply straightaway at the eadmissions websiteApplication deadline: 31 October 2024

If your application is late it will not be considered until all applications received on time have been processed and your child would be unlikely to receive a place at one of your preferred schools. Help your child by being one of the nine out of ten parents who apply on time.

You will be able to view the outcome of your application online on 1 March 2025.

The School Admissions Team at Croydon Council has prepared these two documents to help you complete the application form.

Eadmissions Leaflet 2023

If you would like assistance with making your school selection, please speak to your child's class teacher or to the school office. 


Some schools require you to fill in a supplementary form. You will be able to see the outcome online during the evening of 1st March.

Children offered a place at a school in Croydon will be invited to attend an induction day at the school on Friday 2nd July 2025.