Vision,Values and Aims
Our intention is to help our children develop an enthusiasm for lifelong learning.
At Forestdale our aim is for all children to develop a passion for life-long learning so that they can reach their potential, have high aspirations, embrace future opportunities, responsibilities and experiences and contribute meaningfully to society. The world our children are growing into changes constantly and rapidly. Therefore, they need to embed a broad range of skills to be able to thrive and succeed.
Forestdale is a good school and has a wonderful learning environment with sound structures/systems and a supportive community.
At Forestdale children understand the importance of a respect for fellow human beings and the environment; a sense of justice; determination and resilience to cope with life and an ability to communicate and to collaborate effectively to make a positive contribution to society.
We want children to experience a sense of awe and wonder so that they develop a deep fascination with the world and are absorbed in their learning. We want our children to understand the spiritual, moral, cultural and social dimensions in life and to have an appreciation of beauty, art, music and nature.
We aim to provide the highest standards and best quality education for all children. Teachers support and facilitate learning so that children are engaged and enthused and want to behave well and succeed with their learning.
Children at Forestdale are encouraged to follow a set of universal values which guide them. They learn to understand the importance of honesty, truthfulness, courage, fairness and trust so that they can develop effective relationships.
In addition to the universal values Forestdale children follow five values, Successful, Thoughtful, Aspirational, Respectful and Supportive. The initial letter of each value has been arranged to spell the acronym STARS, which also links in perfectly with the school’s STAR programme and Star Learners Ethos. These values also help embed key British Values.
Each fortnight, two children are awarded with a prestigious yellow Forestdale STARS sweatshirt for demonstrating our Forestdale values. If you see one of our pupils wearing one of these jumpers, please congratulate them and ask them why they were awarded their jumper. The winners are announced in assembly; they receive a certificate and jumper to wear for two weeks; and are celebrated in the Weekly Forestdale Flyer.
If you see one of our pupils wearing one of these jumpers, please congratulate them and ask them why they were awarded their jumper. The winners are announced in assembly; they receive a certificate and jumper to wear for two weeks; and are celebrated in the Weekly Forestdale Flyer.
Our school has chosen five key texts, each of which exemplify one of the five key values. For further details of each story, questions to ask your child after reading the story, videos and examples of how to demonstrate each value, then please click on the tabs below:
At Forestdale, the core of our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum. Each subject area is tailored to our school’s approach to enhance our curriculum offer. Early Reading is taught through Essential Letters and Sounds. Developing strong subject knowledge, a broad set of subject-specific skills and a passion for learning are central to our approach.