The Seven Wonders of the World
Week commencing Monday 7th January 2019
To start our exciting geography topics this term, the children have been introduced to one of the seven wonders of the world related to their topic.
‘Journeys’ is the topic of this term in reception. The children will be learning and talking about land, sea and air transport. They will also be learning about bridges so at the start of this term they learnt about the Golden Gate Bridge. The children then made their own giant bridge model based on this.
Year 1
This term, year one children will be learning about Forestdale and comparing this to village life in Africa. They started the spring term by studying Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest mountain. They learnt about its location and climate. They then sculpted it out of playdough and made a ’Bigger Than Me’ mountain.
Year 2
Year two started their seaside topic this term by learning about the Lighthouse of Alexandria, the first lighthouse in the world. Children used different sources to research the lighthouse and created fact files. The children learnt about and compared the differences between the Lighthouse of Alexandria and present day lighthouses. They then created their own ‘bigger than me’ ancient wonder and individual present-day lighthouses.
Year 3
About to embark on Phileas Fogg’s journey around the world, year 3 started their journey at the Great Wall of China. The children learnt about the history and geography of the wall and the structure of the wall, including how the wall was built. They then applied this knowledge to design and create their own small Lego models and also their own large brick to feature within a year 3 wall.
Year 4
As part of their India topic, year 4 focussed on the Taj Mahal and learning all about its history and the geography of the building. They then designed and created their own model.
Year 5
In Year 5, they created a ‘Bigger than Me’ model of Chichen Itza using cardboard boxes. This is related to their learning about the Maya Civilisation this term.
Year 6
Linked to their ‘Human Rights’ topic, children looked at the work of sculptor Giacometti and created human figures in the style of his work. These then formed a part of an Egyptian pyramid structure to represent social structure.
These fabulous works of art have all been displayed in the hall as part of a whole school project.
Visit from the Deputy Mayor of Policing and Crime
Wednesday 28th November 2018
We were very fortunate to receive a visit from the Deputy Mayor of Policing and Crime, Sophie Linden, and three other delegates from the Mayor of London’s Office. They came to see the work of Tender (The Healthy Relationship Project funded by the Mayor’s Office) in Year 6. After taking a tour of our school, they watched an assembly performed by the year 6 pupils and then met pupils, governors, stakeholders, staff and parents. Mrs Linden and her colleagues were very complimentary about the pupils and staff at Forestdale. Thank you for coming to see us! For further information on the Tender project please see